May 4, 2009

Sinners Smoke Cigarettes

Sinners smoke cigarettes
The righteous smoke cigars

Sinners smoke cigarettes when and where they can
The righteous smoke cigars in hidden enclaves and at special gatherings

Smoking cigarettes is a disgusting habit
Smoking cigars is relaxing and flavorful

Sinners are addicted to cigarettes
The righteous have no reason to give up cigars

Sinners are enslaved to immoral tobacco corporations
The righteous indulge immoral tobacco corporations

Cigarettes cause cancer, disease, and death
Cigars cause cancer, disease, and death

There is no difference between sinners and the righteous,
except how honest they are with themselves
--der_m, 03.May 2009
i smoke Pall Malls, by the by ;)
yours in Christ

1 comment:

  1. As always, I enjoy your very different look at issues that we both can see...
